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oAoB oCoD oEoF oGoH oIoJ oKoL oMoN oOoP oQoR oSoT oUoV oWoX oYoZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
heart ovals & arcs 5
heavy cut +cogwheel & ovals 8
hi TV hello india TV +ovals 41
ovals 44
hind TEL +ovals & stripes 5
hmt +ovals 7
home bread +chef & ovals 30
home tech +ovals 11
horse & ovals 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 18, 21, 28, 31, 35, 39, 41, 42
hotel PEACE PARK +ovals 42
hotel VEER PLAAZA +ovals 43
hr HALDIRAM'S +ovals 13, 14, 34
hr HALDIRAMS +ovals 18
hut ovals & arcs 36
i +ovals 11, 16, 21
i BACK +ovals 9
i LINK MOTOR +ovals 35
i-TEK +ovals 16, 41, 42
icreate software +ovals arc 42
idol of women & ovals 5
iii SANKATEX iii +ovals 23
il SUDHA +ovals 2
ovals 38
indian-HAT +ovals 12
indians CARE +ovals stripes 43
insist on R.P. +ovals 17
ovals 41
ip +ovals 16, 17
j JINDAL B.O.P.P. +ovals 17
jai shree +ovals 7
jaina brand +ovals 29
ovals 34
jashan +ovals 29
jc JINDAL +ovals 8, 21
ji JANKHARIA imaging +ovals 10
joggi's KANGAN +ovals 25
jp +ovals 30
jp spectrum +ovals 5
jsm j.s.m. AUTO +ovals 7
ovals 19
jyoti revival PLUS +ovals 5
k +ovals & arrows 3
k +circle ovals & hand 30
k KAIRALI +circle & ovals 30
k KANDORNA +circle & ovals 11
k klassic pulses +ovals 30
k-1 shoes +stars & ovals 25
kaamna +man & ovals 31
kaleva BIKANER WALE +ovals 8
key ovals arrow & square 3
khabar 24 HOURS +ovals 38
kitchen NEAT +ovals 16
l +ovals 21
l +ovals & hexagon 16
l +ovals & lines 9, 16
l +ovals lines & arrow 16
l +circle & ovals 8, 14
l LANCE +ovals 12
l LEO +ovals 11
la BRIOCHE DOREE +ovals 29
laxma triphala +ovals 5
ld +ovals 31
leadership +ovals & drop 1, 2, 5
life begins here +ovals 35, 36, 41, 42
lightening & ovals 16
lightning & ovals 4, 42
line & ovals 2
lion stars wreath & ovals 41
lohmann VALO spf +ovals 5
lovely taste +ovals 32
lt LIVEWIRE +ovals 9, 11
lubefine +star & ovals 7
m +ovals 11, 14, 24, 25, 35
m MADONA +ovals 25
m MAHALAXMI +ovals 30
m MANISH +square & ovals 25
m MARS +ovals 1
m MATUSHREE fashion +ovals 24
m MEELONI +ovals & ribbon 32
m brand MAGIC TASTE +ovals 30
madras quality +ovals 29
maharani +woman & ovals 30
man ovals & arc 5
man & ovals 1, 5, 9, 12, 16, 32, 34, 35, 38, 42
man building & ovals 5
man horse & ovals 34
man horses & ovals 30, 31
map man & ovals 16, 41
men ovals & arcs 38
men ovals & squares 16, 41
men & ovals 9, 41, 42, 45
men arcs & ovals 35
mi MAHENDRA +ovals 7
mi SUGUNA +ovals 7
micron king +woman & ovals 11
mind body soul +man & ovals 41
minikin +girl stars & ovals 25
mishthan DINING HALL +ovals 42
ovals 3
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